Formulas > Hair Color > Autumn Sunset
Last updated: October 27, 2017

Autumn Sunset

By Kyle Pinneo

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  • Natural Level:

    8; Golden Copper

  • Formula A:

    Redken City Beats 30g Midtown Magenta + 1g Broadway Blue

  • Formula B:

    City Beats West Village Sunset

  • Formula C:

    City Beats Yellow Cab

Not only do sunrises and sunsets make for some captivating views, but their color palettes make for some stunning hair inspiration, too. Case in point? This autumn sunset formula from Redken Artist Kyle Pinneo (@kyle.redken). Instead of prelightening her strands first, Kyle worked with his client’s natural golden copper color, protecting her hair’s integrity while nailing a true sunset blend. Check it out!


Who Did It

Colorist: Kyle Pinneo
Manufacturer: Redken, @redken

Products Used


  • Natural Level:

    8; Golden Copper

  • Formula A:

    Redken City Beats 30g Midtown Magenta + 1g Broadway Blue

  • Formula B:

    City Beats West Village Sunset

  • Formula C:

    City Beats Yellow Cab


  1. Skip prelightening and start by applying Formula A at the base to create the violet tone. 
  2. Then, apply Formula B throughout the midlengths and blend the color up into the base, melting it together with Formula A.
  3. Apply Formula C to the ends and blend the color up into the midlengths, melting it together with Formula B.