Articles > Color Melt > It’s Time To Show Us Your VIVIDS

It’s Time To Show Us Your VIVIDS

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Creative color is only getting hotter, and now it’s time to flex your creative muscles in PRAVANA’s SHOW US YOUR VIVIDS Contest! You could win a prize package valued at over $25,000, so enter by June 30!


How to enter

  • Find an inspiration image
  • Take a photo of your model before you apply color
  • Create a look using only PRAVANA haircolor (you must use at least one ChromaSilk VIVIDS, PASTELS, NEONS or LOCKED-IN shade)
  • Style your model with PRAVANA products
  • Take four finished model images (front and profile views are preferred)
  • Get more details at


The prizes

The top six finalists will be invited as VIP guests to PRAVANA’s SHOW US YOUR VIVIDS Announcement Party this July in LA! The first place winner gets an editorial photo shoot in LA, a feature in On Paper, PRAVANA products and gifts from contest sponsors Olaplex, wet n wild Beauty, Pink Pewter and Enzo Milano. All finalists will be featured in web blasts and social posts reaching PRAVANA’s social community of over 1 million people!


“This has been the single most propelling event to take place in my career,” says last year’s winner Neal Malek (aka @nealmhair to his nearly 74k Instagram followers). “I hae been featured in stores across the country, major magazines I’ve always read, and have been given the opportunity to join PRAVANA as one of the first Color Collective Members, in which I’m able to use these experiences to educate and inspire others!” Check out Neal’s winning entry and the look that earned him a finalist spot above.



Get inspired 

These two HOT looks by Neal can help get your color wheels turning!

Rooty Rainbowz

Pre-tone to a smoky silver base with the new ChromaSilk Express Tones Smokey Silver, then create triangle sections at the crown, alternating VIVIDS NEONS and VIVIDS PASTELS for rainbow roots!


Water Color Balayage

Start with back-to-back weaves in foils with Pure Light Power Lightener. Neal used the final exposed underlying pigment to dictate his color palette! “For highlights that lifted to a true Level 9/9.5, I chose cooler pastel tones,” he said. “For highlights that still had some exposed warmth, I chose two colors that were warmer and richer.”


Make sure to submit your entry by June 30 at Good luck!

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