Articles > Business > Celebrate Mother’s Day With Advice From These Inspiring Hairdresser Moms

Celebrate Mother’s Day With Advice From These Inspiring Hairdresser Moms

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All working hairdresser moms know one thing: The hustle is real…and WE SEE YOU! ❤️ Between clients and kids (who, let’s be honest, sometimes act the same way 😂), there’s really nothing you can’t handle. If you’re ever doubting yourself, just know that while every mother’s journey is their own, we’re all in this together! That’s why we asked some incredible industry moms who really do it all—celebrity stylists, platform artists, educators, salon owners and influencers—their best advice for working moms.


Take a moment because you deserve it and read through some major inspiration, real talk and major feels from a lineup of badass women that inspire us every day!



Life doesn’t stop when we have children—we can fulfill our lifelong dreams which gives our kids permission to do the same! When your children see you do something you love with so much passion and you can’t wait to get back and do it again every single day, they get to see something that’s so many other children don’t get to see from mothers and fathers that don’t love what they do. Don’t ever apologize for loving what you do…ever! Your children are watching you live your dreams and it absolutely gives them the EVIDENCE that they can live theirs! You’re teaching them that their dreams can be a reality. – Mary Rector-Gable (@marybehindthechair)


Watch Mary & Naeemah share how they lead by example at THE BTC SHOW!

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Hairstylist moms should always remember to set boundaries for themselves. It can be so easy to work those 12-hour shifts and get guilted by clients to come in on days where you had planned to have family time. It’s okay to say no. There will of course be times where you have to sacrifice time spent with your family in order to take on opportunities that can be career-changing, but there are also some sacrifices that have no return. Do your best to decipher which ones will be in your best interest as a mom. – Naeemah LaFond (@naeehmahlafond)


The best advice I have for a hairdresser moms is: You are like the giving tree to your clients and to your kids. Have boundaries with both, so you always have a special space in-between for yourself. – Jenny Cho (@jennychohair)


To all of the CAREER MOMS out there…YOU ARE DOING AN AMAZING JOB!! As a working mom of three boys, I have found that the best way to find sanity is to give 100 percent of your time and energy to whatever you are doing. If you are at work be 100 percent focused on work. When you are having family time be 100 percent present with your family. Try it out. You will find you start excelling in both with less stress. When you try to do it all every second of the day you will wear yourself down and feel like you aren’t getting anything done. – Carolynn Judd (@styled_by_carolynn)


Follow your gut, there is no formula to success. Do whatever works for you and balance is key. The juggle is a struggle but the reward is worth it. – Lacy Redway (@lacyredway)


There is no such thing as balance. If you’re giving 100 percent in one area, then you’re lacking in another. And that’s ok! I once heard, “There is no balance. Just seasons. Seasons of passion, seasons of rest, seasons of moving forward and seasons of being still.” Here’s my best advice for hairdresser moms… – Jenn Malone (@jmalonehair)



Take it day by day and never feel guilty for working hard for your children. Balance does not exist unfortunately so stop chasing it. Just wake up every day and do your best ❤️ Mom guilt can be real, especially for us working mamas, but our kids will admire us so much for working hard to provide for them and showing them that you can still chase your dreams even as a mom! I often have my son come into work with me at the salon, he loves it and I feel like I get to spend more time with him too. – Maggie Hancock (@maggiemh)


Don’t beat yourself up about working hard. Know that every time you go to work, whether on a plane or to the salon, you are giving them the opportunity to be loved by more people whether it’s a babysitter, school or family. It’s a gift. – Min Kim (@minkimcolorist)



My best advice for working moms is to work hard when you are at work and be present when you are at home with your kids and family. Don’t forget to schedule some time to yourself to reenergize and refresh. Always have your priorities in order and don’t sweat the small stuff. – Annette Waligora (@annette_updo_artist)


My best advice to working hairdresser moms is to remember that your kids are watching you and they are getting their work ethic from you. It’s never going to be a perfect juggle but life isn’t perfect. There will be moments where you feel like you are failing as a mom and then out if the blue you will get a random text message from your college kid saying, “I love you and thank you for all that you’ve done for me.” You will wonder where this is coming from. It is then that he’ll say to you, “You taught me to follow my dreams. You taught me to strive to be the best in what you do, whatever you do. You taught me that although I am your priority, that you are still a woman with your own passions and dreams and that even with all that you managed to be the best mom that a kid could ask for.” – Michelle O’Connor (@michelleoconnorbeauty)


When it comes to hairstyling, to master your craft you have to work your butt off but when it comes to mom-ing, you need to mom even harder—and it’s fun! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to have fun with your babies. – Briana Cisneros (@brianacisneros)


As stylists we are taught to never say no, be accommodating and never stop hustling. Then this little human shows up in your life and just like magic, priorities change. That was my biggest fear in becoming a stylist mother. Losing everything I worked for. Missing opportunities. I spent nine months worried about it. That little guy changed everything. I can assure you, I work hard and try my best but now, when that clock hits 5PM and I see his smiling face running at me, that’s more important and feeds my soul more than anything else on earth. So if you are afraid and worried about balancing, don’t be. You will do what you need to do so that you and your baby are happy. And it is the best! – Kelly O’Leary-Woodford (@hairbymisskellyo)



I feel like as a mom, wife, hairdresser, salon owner, Global Director and a certified crazy person—giving advice is a lot easier than taking it. I recently hired an empowerment coach and during just a few of my sessions she had me establish my values. Which in time, I’ve learned what my boundaries are and if I had any advice to give for this industry it would be… – Leah Freeman (@leahfreeman1)




“Dear hardworking, amazing, boss-lady, hustling 48 hours a day moms! It’s okay to feel defeated and exhausted—your kids won’t understand now but you are setting a great example for them.  It’s okay to take some time for yourself shut down your phone and escape from your daily routines to take a moment and reflect on your journey! Because we wear so many hats it’s easy to get flustered during the week. My best advice is to plan your week out fully so everything runs smoothly.” – Josie Vilayvanh (@josievilay) 


Designate time to turn off all the work and just be in the moment with your family. My kids can feel the difference in me being truly present with them and when my mind is on work. – Emily Anderson (@emilyandersonstyling)


My best advice is to find balance and practice boundaries. Our careers are demanding, but those precious moments with loved ones and our children are fleeting. You won’t regret canceling an appointment ten years from now…what you will regret is not canceling that appointment and missing that precious moment. – Liz Haven O’Neill (@lizhaven)


Trying to balance work life and mom life can be seriously overwhelming. It’s natural to want to do and be everyone’s everything.  Try and separate mom life from work life—give 100 percent at work and when you get home give percent to your kids. – Alisha Jared (@alishajaredhairartistry)