Use This Advice When A Client Wants A Cut/Color That Won’t Look Good
How To Tell Clients A Certain Cut/Color Combo Doesn’t Suit Them
Between Instagram and Pinterest clients have so much hair inspiration at their disposal, but with that comes unrealistic expectations. As the professional, you know what cut/color combos will work best for each client depending on their skin tone, face shape, lifestyle, etc. So how do you tell a client the look they have their heart set on just doesn’t suit them? We asked seven Wella Professionals artists for their advice on this tricky situation—watch the videos below to hear what they had to say!
1. Listen To Their Likes & Dislikes // Sonya Dove (@sonyadove)
2. Marry Your Ideas With Hers // Douglas David (@douglasdavid_)
3. Pick And Choose Parts Of Her Inspo // Jamie Pierce-Elwell (@mizzj_at_play)
4. Don’t Let Her Run The Appointment // Michael Haase (@mmhaase)
5. Translate The Trend // Dana Lyseng (@danalysenghair)
6. Use A Consultation Tool // Dean Roybal (@deanroybal)
7. Break Down What She Loves About The Look // Anna Vaul-Holaday (@holadayhair)
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