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3 Wig Cutting Tips For Creating Soft, Natural Lines

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Instagram via @kiyahwright1

Use These Tips When Cutting Wigs

Wigs are an easy way for clients to change their look without the commitment. But here’s the thing: They aren’t one-size-fits-all and whether your guests want to switch up their color or hairstyle, the secret to a good customized wig is the haircut. To help you get started, we asked wig expert and Muze Hair Founder Kiyah Wright (@kiyahwright1) to share her top wig cutting tips—keep reading to see what she shared!



Tip #1: Always Blend Blunt Lines

Even if a client is requesting a blunt bob, Kiyah ALWAYS recommends softening the baseline of the wig to avoid a hair helmet style. Check out her go-to cutting techniques below: 


  • Slide Cutting: Hold your scissors with the tip pointed down. Softly open and close the shear, moving down to slide cut the section. This technique will soften the ends and remove weight along the base. 


  • Point Cutting :
    • Take a pie-shaped section and elevate it 45 degrees from the head.


    • Point cut the bottom inch of the perimeter, cutting the hair closest to the base of your finger shorter. This will create a gradual softness at the perimeter. 


    • If the client is looking for some extra movement, create a natural layer just above the baseline using the slide cutting technique.


Kiyah Demonstrates Her Cutting Technique On Her Nikki Wig Below!

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Tip #2: Framing The Face

When cutting face-framing fringe, Kiyah prefers to cut that section with the wig on the client. Why? So you can create a super-customized fringe that sits exactly where it should to maximize your client’s features. 



Tip #3: For Thicker Wigs, Try A Razor

If you’re working with a wig that is made of synthetic hair, it might take a little more work to create soft lines and subtle layers. Kiyah recommends using a razor to soften blunt lines and create internal layers.


Kiyah Also Utilizes Razor-Cutting Techniques To Soften Ends And Creature Natural Layers. Check Out Her Razor Technique Below!

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