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12 No-Show Solutions

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Ugh. No shows. They put a kink in your schedule and are a pain in your bottom line. BTC Facebook BFF Toni Spires Cravey is tired of clients ditching out on their appointments so she posted this question on our Facebook wall recently: “I am looking for suggestions about clients that don’t show. What rules has your salon implemented?” Thank goodness for BTC BFFs! We got a ton of suggestions within minutes. Here are a few of the best ideas.


1. Ask questions to get the right answer
Did you call to confirm, and speak with the client? If you left a message, did you specify a time that the client must call back to keep his/her appointment slot? Is the no show a repeated pattern with client? Is it a new client? There are many things to consider before giving out business advice. Some people take deposits because they have to order hair and so forth. One time could be enough to not allow a person on your salon’s books. Only you can determine the cost. Cost meaning unflattering conversations both online as well as offline. One thing for certain, you are not a doctor that can ding a persons insurance. Customer service is what we are about, and pricing justifies the cost of customer service. I hope this helps. – 
Darryl Manco


2. Something is better than nothing
I call and confirm, and tell them if they have any changes or problems to please call or text me, even if it is a last minute thing. They know I frown upon the last minute call in, but it is better than a big NS on my book. – 
Peggy Balagia Kenn


3. Follow-through
We’re independent at my salon so everyone handles their “no-shows” differently. I have it on my cards and tell my clients when they pre-book to please give me a 24 hour notice if they can’t make it or I will be charging them at their next visit for the missed appointment. I’ve only done this once so far. A client made his regular appointment and didn’t show, so I called him, re-scheduled for two days later and he forgot again! When I called him about it he said “You’re going to kill me!” I said, “No, I’m just going to charge you.” I think the follow-through is more important than what the “rule” is.  – Diane Reeves Kusenback


4. Get it in writting
The first step is having a written policy in place and informing the client of it. Let them know you require a 24 hour notice for cancellations, and if that is not done they will be charged for the full amount of the appointment. Of course they must sign a credit card authorization slip. – Kathleen Collins


5. Three strikes
It’s simple- three strikes and you’re out. – Helen Smith Rhodes


6. Up the ante
I just up my price for the next time they come in. It seems to work! I love all of my clients so if they don’t respect my time, they’ll either be paying to be a pain, or go somewhere else. This helps me weed out the few bad clients I’ve come across or compensates me for dealing with them. – Tiffany Barrios



7. There for a reason
After a certain amount of missed appointments they are put on a walk-in basis or I give them 15 minutes to show before I take another appointment. If they show then they will have to wait. Appointments are made for a reason. – Deborah Panepinto

8. A mile in your shoes
We give our clients three times to be 15 minutes late and on the fourth time they are put on a walk-in basis. I also “put the shoe on the other foot” and explain to clients how to respect my time. I say what if you took your time to drive here and I did not show up to cut your hair. My chair time is how I get paid. Most clients will understand but there will be a few who don’t. Good Luck everyone and Happy Holidays. – Chris Burns


9. Pick up the phone
I personally call my clients the day before to confirm their appointment and also call the day after to see how the service was. If you call them yourself it’s pretty hard to come up with an excuse for not showing! They get one time, and then I charge them for the service they missed the next time they come in. Hope this helps, keep it real and a good client will understand! – Cory Allen


10. Filling the spot
When they make their appointment I ask them to please notify me of any changes so I can fill the spot. Also, confirming really does help. Yes, it’s not my responsibility to remind them, but it ensures that my chair stays full all day. I think that a client not showing is like having them walk into the salon and taking money right out of my drawer.  – Shannon Holben Keel


11. An extra hour
I don’t think any of my clients miss appointments out of negligence or malicious intent. If they “miss” an appointment, something horrible could have happened and I’m not going to get mean! Realize that now you have an extra hour in your day to do something on your to-do list. – Dorrie Beck French


12. All about your clientele
It doesn’t happen often but we do reminder calls the day before. I have had coworkers charge full price for a missed appointment which they are required to pay before booking the next appointment. One of their clients complained while in the chair and my client at the time jumped in and countered saying its fair because he does the same as an orthodontist- time is money. I guess it depends on the clientele you have. – Jacqueline Spencer



OR, if you’re feeling a little extra and want to channel your inner Justin Anderson, you could always do this (WARNING: F-bombs ahead!):