Product Announcements > Business > iConnect Salon Software
Last updated: April 03, 2013

iConnect Salon Software

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Let’s face it, the days of pencil and notepad appointment booking are all but over. It’s high time you shoved your #2s in a drawer and hop on the software bandwagon, especially when software can also help you streamline your entire salon’s operations.

iConnect is a full featured salon management system designed to increase the growth and success of your business by simplifying and streamlining day to day operations. The system is a 100% cloud based app available on the iPad and iPhone or in any Internet browser as a web application.

From booking appointments with your customers and managing your calendar to sending out email marketing blasts to stay engaged with your clientele, iConnect provides a complete solution to scheduling, customer relationship management, marketing, inventory tracking, reporting, and more.

iConnect offers software solutions for single service providers,  booth renters and  salon owners.

You can learn more at