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Last updated: June 13, 2018

Cosmoprof Bologna Reports Record-Breaking Results

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Cosmoprof Bologna Reports Record-Breaking Results

Cosmoprof Bologna 2018, March 15-19, 2018, recorded record-breaking results, said Gianpiero Calzolari, President of BolognaFiere.


“The numbe of professionals attending the exhibition exceeded the 250,000 visitors of the 2017 edition,” Gianpiero said. “We recorded a growth by 11 percent in the presence of foreign operators.” Exhibitors also reached record numbers—2,822 from 70 countries. “They attracted an international audience, eager to do business and looking at the same time for professional updating.”


This year, to facilitate networking and business opportunities, Cosmoprof 2018 adopted a new format, with “tailor-made” proposals to respond to specific needs of companies, buyers, distributors, retailers and professionals attending the show. The B2B aspect of Cosmoprof was solidified with the strong relationship between buyers and exhibitors, articulated professional updating program, 18 workshops led by opinion leaders and awards that celebrated innovative companies.


“Creativity, research and innovation to meet the needs of consumers who pay increasing attention on safety and sustainability: these are just some of the winning elements that confirm the cosmetics among the excellences of Made in Italy. The national cosmetic sector, which records over 11 billion euros in turnover (+ 4.3%),” said Fabio Rossello, President of Cosmetica Italia.  “The Personal Care Association – registers a percentage of export up to 8%, with a trade balance of 2.5 billion euros.”


“Communicating these data during Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna makes us even more proud to represent the sector, together with our historic partner BolognaFiere,” Fabio said. “In light of this successful synergy, which combines a unique trade fair format and a solid industry that offers jobs to over 35,000 employees, increasing to 200,000 with the related industries, the hope is to arise more attention from the institutions to support a virtuous model in Italy and abroad.”


“A lively event, full of proposals, from the industrial supply chain to retail, a real glance on the world of cosmetics, in a synthesis that no other fair in the world can guarantee,” Gianpiero added.


The show’s charity initiative, the Cosmoprof Boutique, was dedicated to Roberto Kerkoc, Vice President of BolognaFiere who passed away last year. Twenty exhibiting companies made their products available, and attendees took part with passion—products were sold out almost immediately! Proceeds will go to the Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori (IRST) – the institute in Emilia Romagna for research against cancer.


Next up for the Cosmoprof community: Cosmoprof North America in Las Vegas (July 29-31, 2018); Cosmoprof India in Mumbia (Sept. 10-11, 2018) and Cosmoprof Asia in Hong Kong (Nov. 13-15, 2018 with Cosmopack Asia and from Nov. 14-16 with Cosmoprof Asia).


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