How-Tos > Hair > On the Set with FOX TV’s Juliet Huddy
Last updated: January 13, 2009

On the Set with FOX TV’s Juliet Huddy

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On the Set with FOX TV’s Juliet Huddy

Celebrity Hair Stylist Arlene Castro, liberated Juliet Huddy from FOX’s live hit show “The Morning Show with Mike & Juliet“, with her version of the “Bob”.  Castro made it her own with a side part, wisped Juliet’s bangs and angled the length to slim Huddy’s face and compliment her cheekbones.  Here how she “got the look.” 


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    “When Juliet decided she needed a change, we opted for a graduated bob,” explained Castro. “In order to keep both Juliet and the producers of the morning show happy, we went for a longer version of this classic cut.  Softening her fringe and parting on the side to keep some sass like Victoria Beckham was the look we were going for!   It was also important to keep the basic clean lines Jennifer Aniston had a couple of years ago.”

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    “In this business of beauty, my peers know the graduated bob is the most precise haircut we will ever create and leaves absolutely no room for errors,” exclaimed Castro.

    Begin at a zero degree angle with approximately an inch and ¼ thin section from the nape to the occipital bone.  Use your razor to chose a length line.

    Proceed to form graduation with the tick-tock method taking vertical triangular sections and working from the center out and cross checking in the opposite direction.

    I first used my razor and then went over each section with my swivel thumb Hisaki rainbow shears for precision and definition,” explained Castro.  “I also used point cutting for blending and a seamless finish. I worked my way up from 40-degree angles until I reached the crown at 90 and better for volume.”

    Remove excess weight by lifting and point cutting vertical corners of the temple and sides of the face for a smooth transition, connection and gradual balance from front to back.

    To accentuate the check bone structure of your guest, point cut the edges of your fringe area.  This will create a flattering sweep of the hair while it softens and removes excess weight.


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    To style the hair, use a medium to large round brush.  To create more volume in the crown area, use an on-base parting method.  As you work more forward , decrease the angle of your round brush, this will create a more sleek and smooth look on the sides.

    To finish, use a flat iron and slight bevel the ends to give it a more natural look.

    When you have finished, check the haircut to ensure that you have achieved a clean length line by tilting their head at every angle.

    Hair By: Arlene Castro, Celebrity Hair Stylist, from Say it With STYLE Gallery