How-Tos > Hair Color > 100% Gray Coverage on Rich Cool Brunettes
Last updated: May 24, 2017

100% Gray Coverage on Rich Cool Brunettes

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100% Gray Coverage on Rich Cool Brunettes

To ensure long-lasting gray coverage, Clairol Professional has just the product to keep your clients looking and feeling youthful and stunning. Miss Clairol Gray Busters is the perfect solution for 100% gray coverage. Suzanne likes rich chocolate hues, but doesn’t like brassy tones. Here’s how you can give a Level 4 with 25% gray warmth minus brassiness.


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    Natural Level 4 with 25% gray.

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    Step 1:  Section an elongated triangle over either eye to create a veil of interest that will accentuate her fringe, creating a soft focal point.

    Step 2:  Over each ear, section two upside down triangles, with points directly over each ear.  The widest angle of the triangle will provide a wider space for color. 

    Step 3:  Slice and weave foils alternately within each triangle on diagonal towards face. 
    Foil Formula:  BW2 Powder Lightener plus 10-volume Pure White Developer. 
    Process to Level 7 Gold. 

    Step 4:  Apply Formula 1 to re-growth.  Time for 45 minutes for optimum gray coverage 
    Formula: 1 1/2 oz parts 46D/4A plus 1/2 oz 85N/5N part plus 2 oz Clairoxide Clear 20-volume developer. 
    Note: 20-volume developer allows for maximum deposit on the gray. 
    Tip: Make sure to keep partings neat and fine for even saturation. 

    After shampooing and towel-drying, apply 93DN/7A plus equal parts 10-volume Clairoxide developer for 20 minutes to create a brightening effect with control to combat brassiness 

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    Get the secrets to great gray coverage with the Gray Busters Formulation Tool. Includes removable Natural Level and Contributing Pigment swatches, never-fail gray coverage formulas and much more! Do you have a secret tip or real client success story using Miss Clairol Gray Busters? Tell us about it and get a Gray Busters Formulation Tool FREE [While supplies last. One Formulation Tool per household.]