Formulas > Hair Color > Smoky Shadow Root
Last updated: August 11, 2017

Smoky Shadow Root

By Sara Yousif

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  • Formula A:

    30-volume Goldwell Oxycur Platin Lightening Powder

  • Formula B:

    60ml Goldwell Colorance Lotion + 20ml Goldwell Color Colorance 10BS + 10ml Goldwell Topchic 8CA

  • Formula C:

    20ml Topchic 10A + 5ml Topchic 6A + 5ml Topchic 8CA + 15ml of water + 15ml 10-volume developer

You guys are seriously loving this smoky shadow root, and we don’t blame you! With more than 15,000 likes on this Instagram post, Sara Yousif (@mrsmichaeil918), a stylist at Public Image Salon in Wayne, N.J., proved that smoky tones aren’t going away anytime soon. Check out this highly-coveted color formula!

Who Did It

Colorist: Sara Yousif
Manufacturer: Goldwell, @goldwellus

Products Used


  • Formula A:

    30-volume Goldwell Oxycur Platin Lightening Powder

  • Formula B:

    60ml Goldwell Colorance Lotion + 20ml Goldwell Color Colorance 10BS + 10ml Goldwell Topchic 8CA

  • Formula C:

    20ml Topchic 10A + 5ml Topchic 6A + 5ml Topchic 8CA + 15ml of water + 15ml 10-volume developer