open color formula
close formula
  • Formula A (lightener)

    #MYDENTITY @guy_tang #Magnum8 Powder Lightener + #MYDENTITY @guy_tang #Big9 Crème Lightener + 10-volume developer


  • Formula B (color 1)

    #MYDENTITY @guy_tang Crimson Spell™ Super Power™ Direct Dye 


  • Formula C (color 2)

    #MYDENTITY @guy_tang Magenta Magic™ Super Power™ Direct Dye 


Instagram via

With Valentine’s Day approaching, there hasn’t been a better time to go PINK. Single? Who cares! All you need is GOOD HAIR. Luckily, Josh Boynton ( just dropped a flawless pink melt on his feed so we asked him for all of the details. Scroll through for pricing, formulas, and everything you need to know to give your clients the pink hair of their dreams. 



Salon: Color and highlight refresh service every 2-3 months.

At-Home: Use cold water, wash once or twice a week, and use a color-safe shampoo like the #MYDENTITY @guy_tang #MyConfidant Shampoo and the Olaplex No. 4 Bond Maintenance Shampoo.




Josh charges an hourly rate for projects like this and generally the ticket is between $250-$450. 



The main challenge when it comes to vibrant hair is the at-home hair washing schedule. Vibrant hair requires a lifestyle change that can often require drastically reducing the frequency of hair washing as well as the use of cold water. Sometimes clients are not ready or willing to embark on this journey so consultation is SUPER important. It is vital to communicate to the client that their color simply will not last if they don’t take care of it properly. 



Who Did It

Artist: Joshua Boynton

Products Used


  • Formula A (lightener)

    #MYDENTITY @guy_tang #Magnum8 Powder Lightener + #MYDENTITY @guy_tang #Big9 Crème Lightener + 10-volume developer


  • Formula B (color 1)

    #MYDENTITY @guy_tang Crimson Spell™ Super Power™ Direct Dye 


  • Formula C (color 2)

    #MYDENTITY @guy_tang Magenta Magic™ Super Power™ Direct Dye 



1. Using a weave technique, heavily highlight the hair in foils using Formula A. Depending on your application speed, you can bump the developer up to 20-volume halfway through. Process until the hair reaches a Level 9.


2. Rinse, shampoo, and pre-condition with #MYDENTITY @guy_tang #MyHero X2 Collagen Cuticle Sealer & Hair Softening Treatment.


3. Alternating diagonal sections throughout the hair, apply Formula B and Formula C. Process for 25 minutes.


4. Rinse, shampoo and condition with #MYDENTITY @guy_tang #MyConfidant Shampoo and Conditioner.


5. Style as desired. Josh prepped the hair with #MYDENTITY @guy_tang #MyQuickBlow Thermal Spray to blow dry and #MYDENTITY @guy_tang #MyDefender Heat Spray for heat protection before curling.