Formulas > Hair Color > Dimensional Chocolate Blonde
Last updated: July 02, 2020

Dimensional Chocolate Blonde

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  • Formula A

    SPARKS Powder Lightener + 25-volume (a mix of 20 and 30-volume) to 30-volume developer towards the back

  • Formula B (lowlights)

    Redken Shades EQ 5N + 6N + Redken Shades EQ Processing Solution

  • Formula C (Toner)

    Redken Shades EQ 7NW + 8VB + 9V + 9P + Redken Shades EQ Processing Solution

Instagram via @hairbyydani

Looking for a formula to help you add dimension back into your clients hair? Colorist Dani Washington (@hairbyydani) has got you covered with this rooty blonde balayage she created on her client who previously had six-inches of regrowth and Level 7 to 8 hair from midlength to ends. Keep scrolling to get the formulas and the steps!


Stylist Note: “[The client] was lacking dimension and had more warmth than she wanted,” says Dani. “It’s important to note that the more lightening sessions you have, the more dimension you will lose over time.”


Who Did It

Colorist: Dani Washington
Manufacturer: Redken, @redken; SPARKS

Products Used


  • Formula A

    SPARKS Powder Lightener + 25-volume (a mix of 20 and 30-volume) to 30-volume developer towards the back

  • Formula B (lowlights)

    Redken Shades EQ 5N + 6N + Redken Shades EQ Processing Solution

  • Formula C (Toner)

    Redken Shades EQ 7NW + 8VB + 9V + 9P + Redken Shades EQ Processing Solution


1. First, section off the face frame if your client wants a bright money piece. Then separate the rest of the hair into three parts—two on the side and one in the back.


2. Start balayaging the two side parts using Formula A for highlights in horizontal sections. Use Formula B to add in lowlights by weaving out small sections to recreate natural dimension.


Note: To avoid adding too many low lights, Dani recommends being strategic in your placement. “When I’m on the top, last panel of each section I will weave out a thin ‘veil’ of hair and clip it aside. I will then paint the underlying panel accordingly and cover. [Next, I will] lowlight the veil section and place a foil on top. This veil creates a beautiful and seamless blend that also helps the client have a gorgeous grow out.”


3. Once the two side sections are complete, use Formula A to foil the face frame.


4. Finish off the back section using 30-volume developer and let process for 45 minutes.


5. Rinse the hair and tone using Formula C.


6. Rinse again, then blow-dry and style as desired.