Collections > Hair > the white collection from é salon
Last updated: December 11, 2007

the white collection from é salon

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the white collection from é salon

Emiliano Vitale, of é salon in Australia, produced the white collection for the Hair Expo Hairdresser of the Year 2007, and it’s no wonder why he ended up as a finalist for the prestigious award. 

Elements of the white collection find us returning to clean, beautiful hair.  With its fusion of lines and textures and glowing color, it’s a return to hairdressing in its purest form.

Returning to hairdressing in its purest form instilled a desire to work with the hair from within its own boundaries, encouraging a natural merging of textures and lines.  The images in this brilliant collection combine styles which capture the angelic beauty of a dreamlike state, the definiteness and strength of a fringe, and juxtapose of softness and strength. 

Vitale’s the white collection can be summed up in four words: Subtlety, Strength, Softness and Direction.  These are demonstrated with curls and feathering, natural movement, strong layers, disconnected bob and ethereal texture.

With the white collection, I hoped more than anything to achieve a collection that had a uniques sense of individualism or a true sense of self,” says Creative Director Emiliano Vitale.  “That’s why we chose to present most of the hair worked so much in its natural state.”

The color in the white collection was used to enhance the hair’s natural shine.  Subtle, but with a healthy glow, the color is soft and dimensional, and helps to capture the essence of the ethereal, dream-like state of white.

To learn more, go to

Keyword: fashionsalon, esalon


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