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Last updated: November 15, 2010

Sebastian Announces Round 3 Shaper Challenge Winner and Runners-Up

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Sebastian Announces Round 3 Shaper Challenge Winner and Runners-Up

Sebastian’s What’s Next Awards- the Shaper Challenge- is in full swing! Stylists have been submitting the fiercest looks they can create and BTC is proud to announce the second round winner and runners-up and their fab creations.

What’s Sebastian’s What’s Next Awards you ask? It’s a competition to celebrate the most fearless stylists in the nation. These stylists are the ones on the edge, pushing boundaries and raising the bar in hairdressing. In the end, eight stylists will become famous and one will become…infamous. It is the chance of a lifetime to work backstage at Fashion Week in New York City!

How does it all work?
First, upload your most fearless styles on Twice a month, the votes of the trend-setting public will determine the five What’s Next Awards semi-finalists, and on the 1st and 15th of each month, the judges will announce the finalists.

Those crowned as “runner-up” will be featured in The Chosen Gallery on They will also be featured in the pages of Blackbook, receive a digital pr kit for self-promotion and gain automatic entry for the grand prize.

What does the winner get?
The winner of the What’s Next Awards will have the grand opportunity to be a Sebastian guest stylist on the world’s biggest stage; New York Fashion Week. The winner will enjoy a three days/four nights all expense paid trip to NYC and score an exclusive, featured interview in Blackbook!

So grab your Shaper, your trusty tools and get to work stylist because we know you have what it takes to get to Fashion Week.

Tell which look you love the most!


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