Collections > Hair > Pivot Point International DF “Visual Rendition” Collection
Last updated: August 14, 2007

Pivot Point International DF “Visual Rendition” Collection

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Pivot Point International DF “Visual Rendition” Collection

Pivot Point International’s new collection Visual Rendition: An interpretation emphasizing distinctiveness illustrates how past knowlegde can be built upon to create a new style. 

Visual Rendition offers two styles – Urban Baroque and City Slicker – with parallel themes. 

Urban Baroque
The moods of the theme include:
• Near-future renaissance
• Contemporary and historic
• Collision of everyday objects with luxury
• Juxtaposition of urban functionality with ornate decoration

These themes are translated into soft textures with more volume, curls and movement.

Visit the BTC Bookstore to get your DF “Visual Rendition” Collection/Step-by-Step DVD and Book Set NOW! 

City Slicker
The moods of the theme include:
• Futurism
• New power generation
• New modernist eccentric
• Inspiring new compositions
• Coherent whole by combining a number of things

The Pivot Point International Artistic Team translated these themes into powerful haircuts with strong block colors in specific areas.

Try a Step-by-Step from this Collection: “Jasmin” Mini-Tech!

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