Collections > Hair Color > First Look: ISO.Chromatic Collection
Last updated: March 09, 2009

First Look: ISO.Chromatic Collection

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First Look: ISO.Chromatic Collection

Addam Moreno, Art Director of the i.Design Team—along with team members Eric Mayes and Darby Shields—has created a symphony of shape, color and texture, designed to offer stylists new ways to make beautiful music for their clients.

ISO i.Luminate was one of the essential “instruments” used to create ISO.Chromatic. 

Moreno and team turned to three major musical movements for inspiration:  Baroque, Jazz and Rock and Roll.  “Inspired by the idea of creating ‘chromatic harmony’ between the disciplines of color, cut and texture,” explains Moreno, “we developed structures of form and then used asymmetry, diversity and contrast to add individual flair, resulting in a collection that virtually pulsates with life as it progresses from simple to more complex interpretations.”

Click on each look in the collection to learn more about each looks singular mood and personality.

For more information please visit

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