Articles > Haircuts > 4 Tips For Achieving A Soft, Barely-There Fringe
Last updated: November 25, 2020

4 Tips For Achieving A Soft, Barely-There Fringe

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4 Tips For Achieving Soft Fringe

Want to give clients a little face-framing without the commitment of a full-blown bang? Barely-there fringe (like it’s sister, the curtain bang!) is the perfect way to create movement and softness without all the maintenance. To get the deets on this summer-friendly fringe, we had ARC™ Scissors Artist and BTC Team Member Chris Jones (@chrisjones_hair) stop by The BTC House to share his tips for achieving this look. Scroll down for everything and then click here to watch the entire cut!



Consultation Always!

Make sure you have a heart-to-heart with the client about their decision to get bangs. Is it just for fun? Are they emotional? Talk about how long and what kind of vibe they are going for to help determine the length. This is also a great time to check if the client has any cowlicks. Don’t worry if they do, we have a tip for that, but you have to keep scrolling!


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Overdirect For Natural Graduation 

Start by parting the client’s hair down the middle or where they wear it normally. Then, take a small section and overdirect it straight out from the center of the head. Use this as a guide for the rest of the fringe, creating a natural short to long graduated look.  


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Use A Sharp Scissor and Subtle Technique

To cut fringe, Chris likes to the use a subtle open and close motion with the axis of the shear. “I feel like I have more control over the amount of weight and length being removed, as opposed to a slide cutting technique,” Chris explains. This cutting technique also protects the cuticle and integrity of the hair, Chris adds. Since you’re cutting with the sharpest part of the scissor, it’s really important that the shears aren’t dull. For this cut, Chris used the 6″ PHANTOM scissors by ARC™ Scissors.


blonde, bob, short hair
Finished look with a soft, barely-there fringe.



Keep Cowlicks In Their Natural State

If a client has cowlicks in the front, it doesn’t mean they have to avoid fringe. Chris suggests going easy on the blow dry and cutting the fringe with the cowlick in its natural state. “If you manipulate the cowlick in the front too much when blow drying, the fringe will be much shorter than when the client styles their own hair,” Chris explains.


Ready to give clients a barely-there fringe or a subtle face frame? Click here to purchase a pair of 6″ PHANTOM scissors by ARC™ Scissors.


Want to learn more about cutting from Chris Jones? Click here to purchase Chris’s cutting class on BTC University and have lifetime access!


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