Formulas > Hair Color > Blondes Away! FALLing for Red
Last updated: February 22, 2018

Blondes Away! FALLing for Red

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  • Pre-Pigment Formula

    1 ½ oz. Kenra Color® Red pre-pigment + ½ oz. Copper pre-pigment + 2 oz. Water

  • Formula A (foundation):

    1 oz. 6R + 1 oz. 5C + 2 oz. 20-volume developer

  • Formula B (anchor):

    1 oz. 6RR + 1 oz. 6C + 2 oz. 20-volume developer

  • Formula C (accent 1):

    1 oz. 6RR + 1 oz. 5R + 2 oz. 20-volume developer

  • Formula D (accent 2):

    Kenra Lightener Color Permanent Lightening Power + 20-volume developer

  • Formula E (accent 3):

    3/4 oz. 8C + 1/4 oz. Copper Booster + 1 oz. 30-volume developer

  • Formula F (glaze):

    1 oz. 8C Kenra Color Demi Permanent + 2 oz. 9V

Freshen up your clients look this season by transforming both her color and texture. Kenra Professional® Technical Educator, Mirella Hullum’s client wanted a complete change from her grown-out blonde hue. Therefore, Mirella decided she would not only change up her client’s color, but also put life back into her frizzy waves with the Kenra Smooth® service in order to reduce up to 99 percent of her curl and frizz—leaving her sleek and chic. After performing the Kenra Smooth service, Mirella then used the Fiery Sunset technique from Kenra Color’s Fall/Winter Artistic Collection: Horizons At Dusk to bring out the client’s free-spirited personality. Here’s how you can transform your clients look with this customizable how-to!


Get the Fiery Sunset application steps here!


Who Did It

Colorist: Mirella Manelli


  • Pre-Pigment Formula

    1 ½ oz. Kenra Color® Red pre-pigment + ½ oz. Copper pre-pigment + 2 oz. Water

  • Formula A (foundation):

    1 oz. 6R + 1 oz. 5C + 2 oz. 20-volume developer

  • Formula B (anchor):

    1 oz. 6RR + 1 oz. 6C + 2 oz. 20-volume developer

  • Formula C (accent 1):

    1 oz. 6RR + 1 oz. 5R + 2 oz. 20-volume developer

  • Formula D (accent 2):

    Kenra Lightener Color Permanent Lightening Power + 20-volume developer

  • Formula E (accent 3):

    3/4 oz. 8C + 1/4 oz. Copper Booster + 1 oz. 30-volume developer

  • Formula F (glaze):

    1 oz. 8C Kenra Color Demi Permanent + 2 oz. 9V


1.  Perform the 7 steps to Kenra Smooth® service.


2. Apply the pre-pigment formulation to the client’s blonde hair. Process for 10 minutes and towel-blot the product off of the hair.


3. Apply the Kenra Color® Fiery Sunset Formula:


4. Shampoo your client with Kenra Smooth Anti-Frizz Shampoo and Conditioner, and style as desired.