Articles > 5 Color Tricks To Freshen Up Your Skills
Last updated: August 05, 2022

5 Color Tricks To Freshen Up Your Skills

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Color Basics & Pro Tips To Use On Any Client

It’s easy to get stuck in our ways and forget the fundamentals—or learn something new! Consider this your sign to take a step back, refresh your techniques and watch a few must-try color hacks. Check out these quickie tips for technical reminders and elevated ideas to revamp any color service. 


1. Proper Foil Folding Techniques 

Foiling is second nature to many of us, so be sure you haven’t fallen into a habit of skipping the basics. Color expert Erik Thrane (@erik.wella) says, “The less you touch the foils, the better!” Here are a few dos and dont’s to practice for even saturation and maximum lift. 



  • Keep an air pocket in your foils. When you go to fold your foil, do not seal the crease down of the fold. Leaving a small air pocket will ensure you are not causing a separation in the even saturation. 
  • Use enough product. Saturation equals lift, so do not skimp out on lightener. Coat each strand entirely to ensure an even lift without splotches. 




  • Over-fold your foils. Be conscious of the creases you’re making in your foils. This can disrupt the lifting process and create lines of demarcation in the hair.
  • Swipe your comb across the foils. Although this helps to flatten out foils, you’re creating lines and indents that will process into the hair resulting in tiger stripes. 


Watch this demo in action:

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Stuck in a technique rut? LEARN how to elevate your everyday services—take a Wella color masterclass!


2. Glossing Or Toning—Which Do I Choose?

It’s our job to figure out how to create out clients’ requests (most of the time just from a photo)! When you’re unsure which route to go, remember this trick to decide glossing vs. toning services. 


Here’s a rule of thumb:

Glossing: Used to add vibrance and protect fresh color. Think of the topcoat to nail polish—glosses have less deposit and mostly promote shine or luster.

Toning: Used to either enhance color or neutralize tones. Toners deposit more color, which can alter, correct or refresh any previous color while increasing longevity. 


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3. How To Identify Natural Levels

Identifying your client’s natural level is one of the first steps to a successful color appointment. Understanding your client’s natural level will help you choose the best shades, tones to use and services for the results they’re looking for.  


Try This:

  • Take a section of hair that is not exposed to sunlight—the crown is a great option. 
  • Spread out a color swatch to mimic the density of the hair. This will help immensely in color selection. 
  • Insert swatch in the direction of the hair growth until it disappears. 


Pro Tip: Use this trick on EVERY client—even the ones you’ve colored for years! Salon lighting (and our eyes) can play tricks on us. You may be surprised how much of a difference you can make by doing a quick level check. 


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4. Add Shine Without Lift

No need to lift hair for mega shine, you just need to add the right topcoat! Briana Cisneros (@brianacisneros) shares her trick of using Wella Professional’s new Shinefinity Zero Lift Glaze to add mega shine to any haircolor. 


Pro Tip: This is a GREAT add-on service. The quick process time allowed Briana to add the glaze to a haircut appointment. “All and all, the cut and color was a 45 min-1 hour appointment! Shinefinity doesn’t lift the natural whatsoever—just adds that shiny tonal quality,” says Briana. 


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