How-Tos > Blonde > Rejuvenating Blonde Service by Goldwell
Last updated: May 31, 2017

Rejuvenating Blonde Service by Goldwell

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Rejuvenating Blonde Service by Goldwell

For a lot of clients, blonde isn’t just a passing phase or a quick color romance. It’s a powerful shade, whether they’re soft, angelic highlights or those rusty, rock-chic blends. But what happens when those blondes start to feel the creeping threat of grey? Color is a must, sure, but it’s also important to keep the quality of the hair young and vibrant as well. Using Goldwell’s new Nectaya Enriched Naturals permanent haircolor, you can give her a multidimensional upgrade that incorporates gentle color, volume and movement in a supremely natural-looking way. Here’s how!

See additional looks made with Nectaya Enriched Naturals in Goldwell’s Perfect Beauty Service Collection!



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    Section the hair. Apply Formula A-1 onto the regrowth. Start at the hairline and apply diagonal slices and weaves of Formula B on both sides. On each side of the ear, take forward sections then  apply Formulas B and C, alternating in diagonal slices.

    Goldwell Color Formulas
    Formula A-1 (regrowth): Nectaya Enriched Naturals 40ml Lotion 9% (30-volume) + 15ml 7NBP + 25ml 9NBP

    Formula B: Nectaya Enriched Naturals 35ml Conditioning Cream Developer 6% (20-volume) + 1 spoon of High Performance Lightener without ammonia + 3 pumps of Intensive Conditioning Serum Concentrate

    Formula C: Colorance @Elumenated Naturals 30ml Lotion + 15ml 7N@BP

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    Midlengths and ends: 8G, remaining highlights 9GB
    Grey: 30%

    Goldwell Color Formulas
    Formula A-1 (regrowth): Nectaya Enriched Naturals 40ml Lotion 9% (30-volume) + 15ml 7NBP + 25ml 9NBP

    Formula A-2 (midlengths and ends): Nectaya Enriched Naturals 30ml Lotion 3% (10-volume) + 10ml 7NBP + 20ml 9NBP

    Formula B: Nectaya Enriched Naturals 35ml Conditioning Cream Developer 6% (20-volume) + 1 spoon of High Performance Lightener without ammonia + 3 pumps of Intensive Conditioning Serum Concentrate

    Formula C: Colorance @Elumenated Naturals 30ml Lotion + 15ml 7N@BP

    Formula D: Colorance @Elumenated Naturals 40ml Lotion + 20ml 10BG


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    To optimize color deposit and to equalize structural differences use Dualsenses Color Structure Equalizer.

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    On “V” points around top section, diffuse Formula B using a freehand technique and isolate in foil. At the crown, apply Formulas B and C, alternating in weaves and slices until reaching the front of the hairline.

    Goldwell Color Formulas
    Formula B: Nectaya Enriched Naturals 35ml Conditioning Cream Developer 6% (20-volume) + 1 spoon of High Performance Lightener without ammonia + 3 pumps of Intensive Conditioning Serum Concentrate

    Formula C: Colorance @Elumenated Naturals 30ml Lotion + 15ml 7N@BP

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    Apply Formula A-2 to the midlengths and ends of the remaining hair. Observe the processing time, then shampoo. Treat the hair with Dualsenses Blondes & Highlights products. Then, towel-dry the hair and apply Formula D as a toner to the entire head. Observe the processing time, then rinse.

    Goldwell Color Formulas
    Formula A-2 (midlengths and ends): Nectaya Enriched Naturals 30ml Lotion 3% (10-volume) + 10ml 7NBP + 20ml 9NBP

    Formula D: Colorance @Elumenated Naturals 40ml Lotion + 20ml 10BG

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