Product Announcements > Hair Color > INFINITI Intensives Series from Affinage
Last updated: April 08, 2014

INFINITI Intensives Series from Affinage

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Custom blending the perfect color just got easier! The INFINITI® Intensives Series from Affinage incorporates seven pure concentrated unoxidized pigments which can be used to intensify or subdue any permanent or tone-on-tone haircolor, giving hairdressers the power to create a customizable variety of color palettes.

When an INFINITI® Intensives shade is mixed with a permanent or tone-on-tone color that uses developer, it becomes part of the host color.  Create true tonal value colors by incorporating any Intensive into any permanent or tone-on-tone color with confidence knowing your clients tone will remain in the hair for the entire longevity of the color itself. 
Conventional “additives” are usually pre-oxidized pigments, which means they are direct dyes that can only be used to coat the cuticle layer, with doesn’t allow for full penetration of the pigment. This imparts an intense staining effect, but after a few washes the color becomes inconsistent and may show a less desirable result for the client. These types of additives also do not allow for effective control or subduing of unwanted tonal results.

The Intensive Series contains Shea Butter and Argan oil and is available in seven luscious tones including: red, copper, violet ash, blue purple, gold, ash and matte ash.

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